Neurosys LLC

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Acquisition/analysis programs.

Download acquisition software: NeuroPhys64 setup

Older 32-bit version (not recommended, only use for compatibility with older MedPC IV): NeuroPhys32 setup

(32- and 64-bit versions use same license key, can co-exist on same machine)

Offline analysis software: NeuroSorter setup

User's manual: Neurosys Manual3.pdf

Sample MATLAB code to read output files:

Key features:


Without a license, Neurosys will run in "Free" mode with 4 fully functional channels.

To activate all channels/features, please buy a license, or email me for a trial.


For more information, email:


JAGA Penny users should contact Jinga-Hi for driver instructions.

NI board users will need NI drivers, available here (you only need the "runtime" component).





Offline spike sorter.

Standalone program that analyzes spike waveforms using principle components analysis and many other criteria.

Screenshot of main window showing waveforms, ISI histograms, and scatterplots of PCA results:


More windows showing event browser and cross-correlograms: